Neither my hubby or I are blondes, but hubby's father and brother both have dirty blonde hair - but darker eyelashes. Do you think my son will remain fair-haired?
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
Absolulety not. A baby's hair can change/ fall out and change color anytime in the first year, as well as their eye color. But if for some reason he does stay blonde, it is probably a recesive gene that has been passed from your husband's father. My parents both have stick straight hair, but I got curly hair that was passed from my father's mother.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
most fair headed children's hair color changes when they go through puberty.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
That's a hard question. It would seem that he would have hair closer to his parents color.
His skin tone will probably stay about the same.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
the eyelashes get darker as they get older. My husband had really blonde hair and now it is dark blonde
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
It really is way too early to tell. I was a platinum blonde when I was younger (eyebrows and all) but the older I got, the darker my hair got. It used to lighten in the summer but now that I dye it, it doesn't have a chance to.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
Well, there is a small chance he will, but I'm pretty sure as time goes on, both his hair and eye lashes will change color... most babies do not look the same when they are born and at one year.
I can't be sure, however. Was your husband born blonde? Or were you? If so, that may explain something.
Good luck, and congratulations on your son.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
no. But if it is white-blond, yes but it will darken somewhat
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
Absoultlly NOT! It's a good chance his hair will grow darker, cuz you and your husband have dark hair.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
My son was born with such blonde hair you couldnt even see that he had hair. My husbands hair is brown and mine is dark brown. I guess he got it from my fathers side of the family. His is still very blonde at almost 5 years old but it did darken a couple shade.
Your babies hair will probably stay blonde but will be a much darker shade of it,, maybe even close to a very light brown by the time he is 18.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
You just never know, everyone in my family was born with VERY light blond hair that turned VERY dark brown (nearly black) as we grew older.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
well, my daughter's hair was blond that her eyebrows didn't appear.but at the time she became 3 months all her hair fell down and became dark blond and eyebrows appeared.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
Doesn't mean he will stay blonde. He is still too young to know what hair and eye color he will have. They may continue to change for the first year. It is possible he will stay fair, but you wont know for a while!
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
Both my husband and brother, as well as 3 nephews on hubby's side, had white blond hair until they were 4 or 5, then it darkened and they all have light brown or even dark brown hair now.
My 2 month old son still has incredibly blonde eyelashes and hair...does this mean his hair will stay blonde?
2 of my boys had almost white hair until about 4 then it began to darken. I would call one medium brown now and the other dirty blonde.
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