Thursday, May 3, 2012

How do i make my hair go back to a nicer blonde(less brassy yellow orange)??

I had really nice natural blonde hair up until a few days ago when i stupidly decided i would take that extra step and go full out bright blonde. I wanted more of a whiteish blonde allover highlight type deal but my hairdresser gave me yellowy orange. It looks extreamly fake/gross and doesnt suit me. How do i turn this into what i originally wanted (just a lighter shade of blonde) Can you fade bleach or do i have to dye it again? Would putting sun in on it help turn it more white?

PLEASE help!

How do i make my hair go back to a nicer blonde(less brassy yellow orange)??

If you wanted a pale *icy* kind of blonde then you need to use hair colors with the word ash or beige in the name. Basically you need hair colors with COOL tones. Your hair right now has too much warm tones in it (red orange), so get a hair color that describes itself as cool (most boxes will tell you if its a warm or cool shade in its description or next to the shade chart) because it will neutralize the warm tones, thus removing them and leaving you with the color of blonde you want. Don't worry it's pretty easy to fix.

How do i make my hair go back to a nicer blonde(less brassy yellow orange)??

Yeah, that look was out a long time ago. Shave it off and start over.

How do i make my hair go back to a nicer blonde(less brassy yellow orange)??

yes, there's a product that works like a toner! it's supposed to take away the orage/red of badly blond dye jobs. YOu should ask your hair dresser soon, I don't know how long after coloring your hair the toner will still work. It's basically a green/grey based solution that tones down the orange in your hair.

How do i make my hair go back to a nicer blonde(less brassy yellow orange)??

Your hair probably turned the "yellowy orange" color because the hair dresser didn't keep the dye on long enough. You cannot fade bleach it - this would do a lot of damage to your hair. Depending on your hair type and color you either have to strip the recently applied color and re-dye your hair or simply re-dye it on top of the color you want to cover up. If I were you, I would go back to the hair dresser and ask her to re-dye it free of charge.

How do i make my hair go back to a nicer blonde(less brassy yellow orange)??

go supersaiyan! hiya! and then fight monsters in the mountains to get it a little dirt for some brown.

How do i make my hair go back to a nicer blonde(less brassy yellow orange)??

DO NOT PUT SUN IN ON YOUR HAIR!!! Check out my pics on my 360 profile my hair is almost white (i had to go through the yucky yellow stage) Tell your hairdresser to try CHi Infra Color in GB thats what I use and you will get the white blonde shade. And every week I shampoo with Shimmer Lights a purple shampoo to tone out all the yellow that my hair picks up from water, smoke, etc.

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