Today i sprayed non-permendent pink hairspray in my natural blonde hair!!! I washed it over and over again tonight i got most of it out but there is some streaks of it and i have school tomorrow someone please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pink HairSpray Blonde hair not coming out?
go to a beauty supply store and get some effasol or some plain ol' developer. they both open up the cuticles on your hair which in turn makes color seep out. I would probably use 20 or 30 volume developer mainly because its more gentle than the effasol. Developer is the stuff hairstylists use when they mix color at a salon. Just apply it to the spots where you see the color you want to remove and rub it into the hair shaft. It may work fast it may not, depending on the porosity of your hair. So make sure you watch it, then just shampoo and condition. If it doesnt work the first time, try it again. i wouldnt do it more than twice because like i said it opens your hair cuticle and im sure you dont want to drastically change the texture of your hair :]
Pink HairSpray Blonde hair not coming out?
I know this wont help now, But the next time you spray pink in your hair, and you have blonde hair, use hair extentions and spray them pink, its faster and it doesnt get the stuff in your hair.
Pink HairSpray Blonde hair not coming out?
I did the same thing today. Haha.
Just keep washing it, leave the shampoo in for a little longer this time.
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